Monday, December 14, 2009


I did steps two and four :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Internet Safety Reflections

1.What article did you choose to read for your article of choice?
The Savior Is Counting on You
Elder Joe J. Christensen
Of the Presidency of the Seventy

2.Describe the video resources you watched?
iKeepSafe Faux Paws
Video: A Revolution in Classrooms and Social Life
Katie’s Story
Videos and Public Service Announcements

3.Write a paragraph describing what your most important "take-aways" were from the readings and video?

I learned that the internet is a marvelous tool for good, regardless of the dangers that lie there. By biggest take-away was the church's support of still using the internet, instead of just taking away the danger. It showed to me that there really is eternal value in the internet, such as learning, family history, and communication. Used in the right way, the internet can be a blessing of eternal worth.

4.Write a paragraph or more describing the details of your "doing" experience (you don't need to include any names). This might include:
I was impressed with how much he already know about internet safety. He was aware of the pitfalls of naivety and had been taught well in school the way to use the internet safely. He was interested in what I had to share with him. He learned a little bit more about cyber bullying and all that really entails. I was surprised that he was so "okay" with everything I had to say. I thought he would be a little more shocked like I was. Hopefully he will be a little more aware when he gets more internet privileges like facebook.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Technology Videos

After watching the following films: I love Spiders (5:16 min), Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? (5:52 min) and Habitats (4:38 min), I learned the technology not only a great idea, but it is actually doable. I loved watching the internet communication from the spider clip. Watching the students connect with another class in another state added so much more meaning to the children in both classes. It connected social studies with science and computer technology. This integration has been taught in our class, but it was helpful to see it actually implemented. It was a relief to see that using technology is actually feasible. From Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? I learned that even without the best technology, students can still have meaningful experiences. Mrs. Davis’ story extensions were not only great ideas, but again, she was able to follow through with her plans in making story extensions with Brown Bear Brown Bear. Habitats was a wonderful way to again enhance curriculum with a doable project. She was able to teach not only curriculum, but taking advantage of the specialist, she taught many computer lessons, and even an ethics lesson.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I finished all of the assessments for week 9!

Technology in the Classroom

For my interview, I interviewed Mrs. Rebecca Dalton, a kindergarten teacher from Amelia Airheart Elmentary School.

Mrs. Rebecca Dalton seems to have limited technology available to her, but uses it to the best of her ability. She had a teacher computer (the kids never used it), TV/VCR/DVD, Digital camera, overhead projector, CD player, and tape player with headphones for my listening center.

Ideally Mrs. Dalton would like her classroom to be equipped with a computer projector, smart board, classroom computers, a printer, extra digital cameras that the kids could use, and a video camera.

While Mrs. Dalton used several pieces of technology in her work, the most used resource in technology was the internet. She used the internet for research, lesson plans, videos, and photos. She also used Microsoft Office programs to create a classroom newsletter, worksheets, a grade book, and she created a couple powerpoints to teach the kids about different types of illustrators and Dr. Sues.

Mrs. Dalton feels that the time she put in planning her technology activities reaps rich rewards. The kids are really excited and focused when she brings technology into the classroom, and so management is easier, and retention is higher. While it is hard to use technology in her school because it takes extra planning to obtain the shared resources and set up the equipment, it is still worth the extra trouble on occasion to use technology.

I learned from my interview with Mrs. Dalton that it is plausible and even recommended that I implement what I have learned her in this class in my actual classroom.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Science and Math Activity Plans

science cream
Show pictures of a glass of water and then an ice cube. Ask "Which picture is made of water?"

Explain that both are pictures of water. Water can come in different forms. Today we'll explore the solid form and the liquid for. Ask "What is the difference between the ice cubes (which are in the solid form of water,) and the glass of water (which is in the liquid form)?" Write down their guesses on the board. Tell them today we will investigate this question by doing a science experiment.

Divide the children into group of 4. Give each group a digital thermometer, bag of ice cubes, and a glass of water. Tell the students we will test the temperature to see the difference. Using the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives, open up a pie chart on the projector. Have the students hypothesize which will be colder, and leave the graph up on the screen as they begin their experiments.

Record the temperatures of each groups ice cubes and glasses of water. Chart these on a bar graph from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Explain to the children that they have proved their hypothesis. Ice cubes are colder than a glass of water. Explain our class conclusion is that the solid form is colder than the liquid form.

Ask the children if this rule hold true for all liquids that turn into solids. Graph their answers on the pie chart again leave it up on the screen as they begin to test their second hypothesis.

Give each group a baggie with an ice cream liquid form, and scoop rock salt into their bags of ice.

Recipe for Homemade Ice Cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup milk or half & half
1/4 teaspoon vanilla

Have the children measure the temperature of the liquid mix, and then record their answers again on the bar graph. Then have the children place their liquid bag into the bag of ice. Model how to shake the mix into ice cream, then have them take turns in their groups shaking the bags.

Test the temperature of the frozen ice cream. Record the answers again on the charts. Point out that the frozen solid form is still colder than the liquid form, just as it was with water. Congratulate them again on proving their hypothesis and finding a conclusion.

Pass around cups and spoons and celebrate their discovery by eating the ice cream!

TPACK questions:

Objective 2: Investigate water and interactions with water. Observe and measure characteristics of water as a solid and liquid.

Inquiry Process Skills
  • Analyze data
  • Come to a conclusion based on inference
  • Observe temperature changes between solids and liquids
  • Develop a hypothesis through predictions
  • Measure the temperatures
  • Acquiring and process data on the online charts
  • Come to a conclusion based on inference

Use Temperature Probes to measure the temperature of the solids and liquids. Also incorporate online integration through virtual graphs. These tools will aid in making the lesson come to life as children are able to do science instead of reading about it, or hearing about it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where to download my KMZ

Enjoy the trip!
Trips I Went On...
Kami Orr
Stephanie Anderson
Marnie Story

Field Trip

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Content: I will using google earth so students can actually see the different integral parts of the community.

In my Google Earth tour, I will teach content from

Standard 2 Students will develop a sense of self in relation to families and community.

Objective 2

Describe important aspects of the community and culture that strengthen relationships.

  1. Describe physical features surrounding the home, school, and community
Pedagogy: I will let the students explore their own community and draw conclusions about why the 4 locations are close to center street. I will also have the children type in their own address and find their own house. Setting up the activity this way will promote self discovery for learning.

Technology: The technology will enhance my content because it lets the children actually see their community workers. These personal connections will make the content meaningful and worth learning.

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Provo Post OfficeUse the ruler to measure the distance to center street.

Image Overlay to a live picture, and a wikipage about post offices in the community and a Youtube video of a postal worker.

2. Provo Fire DepartmentUse the ruler to measure the distance to center street.

Image Overlay to a live picture, and a wikipage about the fire department in the community and a Youtube video of a fireman

3. Provo LibraryUse the ruler to measure the distance to center street.Image Overlay to a live picture, and a wikipage about the library in the community and a Youtube video of a librarian

4. Provo Police StationsUse the ruler to measure the distance to center street.

Image Overlay to a live picture, and a wikipage about police stations in the community and a Youtube video of a police.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watching More Movies

Ashley Daley: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Book Trailer
I loved the narration! Sounded and looked like a professional movie trailer. The kids should be excited to read the book after watching it.

Stepanie Anderson: The Food Pyramid! Week 4
Great use of a song! It was very entertaining yet still educational. The pictures really enhanced the message. Well done!

Carem Heap Smart
She really brought the poetry to life! Well done! Clever pictures. I especially loved the blind man picture.

Ashley Howes: Recipie Poem
Nice narration! The pictures look delicious! I really like your picture of the oodles of peanut butter.

Kristin Wagner: A Family Story
What a happy story! You used your voice well to make the story interesting. The background music also added a lot.

The Four Seasons

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Story Board

I can't wait! I am doing a mini documentary on the seasons. I can't draw that well, but the storyboard presents the general idea.

Here is the content I plan on teaching with this...
Kindergarten - Content
Back to Previous Screen Back
Educational Links
Standard 3
Students will develop an understanding of their environment.
Objective 1
Investigate changes in the seasons.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Technology Adventures Continue...

What a busy week! First I created a class website to correspond to this blog, named similarly A Bouquet of Pencils.

I also subscribed to a great blog on google reader. Google reader is a great tool that I wasn't aware of even though I have been using gmail for years. The website is very user friendly.

I also joined I am actually quite excited about this website. It was very user friendly, and I am so excited to see what other books people love!

Lastly I learned how to use Diigo. This tool will be so useful for more than my teaching career. How useful!

Lastly I skyped with my roommate Stephanie and we discussed everything I have learned in this great class!

Of all of the web 2.0 tricks I learned, the most difficult was creating a web page on pbworks. It was challenging to find appropriate material on teachertube, and it had a lot of details that needed to be attended too. However, I also feel that the web page on pbworks was the most useful thing I learned as well. I can now create a class website for the students and parents that is far more sophisticated than a blog page.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why I Love Education

First day of school. Ever. Do you remember it? I was in a brandnew pair black overalls, (spandex of course) with a ruffled white blouse bunched up underneath, and a flower headband adorning the head that had been kissed over and over again on my way out the door after a special breakfast. Dozens of kindergarteners clung to their mommies, but not me! I bolted in the door and pulled out my princess sparkle pencils. "I could stay here forever," I whispered almost too loudly.
In fact that became a prophetic statement, because now as I am finishing up my degree in Early Childhood Education, I am destined to be in school the rest of my life. I love the light of learning; its addicting.
I soon discovered that learning is actually quite similar to the gospel and chocolate cake-- its even sweeter when its shared!
So thats that-- why I love education.